The Great Pumpkin Tour – 2019

Web_201910_Pumpkin_20191026-200715 October 26, 2019

Cool, crisp eather and fall foliage made for perfect MG top-down driving.  About a dozen MGs and their occupants, along with a few daily drivers met at the Suffredini home for the DVC Pumpkin Tour.

Three small groups of four to five cars each started out on a planned, back-roads tour of middle Bucks County.  With a few stops along the way, it seems that the Pumpkin Tour turned out to be an Ice Cream Tour.

Thank goodness for GPS when we happened onto an unexpected detour.  (Dick swears it was open earlier.)  Only one MG mishap, but you’ll have to wait for the Anniversary Party “O-wards” to get the details.

With the cars returning back at Suffredini’s, the usual DVC party began.  The food that DVCers bring to a party is always outstanding… and this time was no exception.  Sandy, with her recent foot surgery, had plenty of help in the kitchen from the DVC ladies.  For some odd reason, the guys seemed to gravitate to Dick’s MG garage and mancave. 

As darkness fell, leave had to be blown off of a few MGs before departing for home.  Here’s to seeing everyone during the DVC’s 50th Anniversary Year celebrations!

Those attending were… Adam & Eva Ilnicki (MGTD), Warren & Nancy Dorner (MGB), Tom & Jaimee Rippert (MGA), Pat & Patty Cawthorne (MGA), Graham & Susan Gill (MGTD), Jim & Diane Sanders (MGA), Louise Story (MGB), Peter & Nancy Yaskowski (MGA), Jeff & Robin Rose (MGBGT V8), Brian Gumpert (MGB), Dave Sarley (MGTC), Dick & Sandy Suffredini (MGA), Greg & Janice Lake, Lew & Cora Phillips.

— Dick Suffredini


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