February 10, 2019
On Sunday, February 10 at 3:15 the bar area at the Flourtown Movie Tavern was packed with 16 club members. In attendance were Nancy and Warren Doerner, Brian Gumpert, Garth and Susan Gill, Graham and Susie Gill, Pat and Patty Cawthorne, Louise Story, Greg and Janice Lake, Curtis and Sally Yocum, Mark and Janet Singer.
At 3:30 we took our reserved seats to view The Upside, a very funny and moving film about a wealthy quadriplegic who hires a struggling parolee to assist with his daily care. Both from vastly different backgrounds form a terrific bond and understanding as both rediscover the joy of living life to it fullest. Staring Kevin Hart, Brian Cranson and Nicole Kidman the cast did an outstanding job on screen.
Following the viewing we headed over to Graham and Susie’s home for some lite fare and beverages. It was a fun outing and a good get together enjoyed by all attending, with much discussion of MG’s, classic, and not so classic cars, trips and events.
— Graham and Susie Gill