November 13, 2016
2016 Annual Meeting
The DVC Annual Planning Meeting was held on Sunday, November 13th at the Silverdale Borough Park Building. The weather was chilly but two brave souls drove their MGs. Graham Gill arrived in his MG TD and Warren & Nancy Doerner in their MGB. Also in attendance were Jim & Diane Sanders, Lew Phillips, Dave Johnston, Lee Wesner, Jerry & Lee Keller, Garth & Susan Gill, Gloria Schwab, Nancy & Pete Yaskowski, Tom & Jaimee Rippert, Pat & Patty Cawthorne, and Dick & Sandi Suffredini.
Patty Cawthorne opened the meeting. It was announced that Patty Cawthorne, Nancy Yaskowski, Jerry Keller and Jim Sanders are the new Chairwoman, Treasurer, Membership Chair and Events Chair respectively. Nancy Yaskowski reviewed the club’s finances. The club is in good financial health and the rate of 2016 spend approximated the 2016 income. Lew Phillips discussed the website and announced that the Yahoo Group will probably be discontinued in early 2017 and replaced by something similar (likely Google Groups).
Some “housekeeping” items were reviewed. Members were reminded that if you host an event, reimbursement should be submitted to Nancy Yaskowski and writeups should be submitted to Paul Holl within 30 days of the holding of the event. Annual membership dues are due on November 1st each year.
New Business was discussed. Jaimee Rippert volunteered to look into creating a DVC cookbook. The use of credit cards for payment of membership dues was discussed. Any action on the issue will be tabled until it is determined whether or not credit card use would offer a worthwhile benefit, whether any increased effort created for the treasurer is acceptable, and whether the club, the treasurer or members could incur liability. Garth Gill inquired if the club carried Director and Officer Insurance.
The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to determining the 2017 calendar of events of which a tentative schedule was made. Events discussed for this year included Markel Museum Tour, The Anniversary Party, The Spring Technical Session, A Spring Tour to the Eastern Shore, The Hornsby Rally, Pennypacker Car Show and Post Pennypacker party, A Fall Foliage Tour, The Guy Fawkes Bonfire, and The Holiday Party.
— Jim Sanders