On Sunday, June 28th, a group of DVCers met at Coca-Cola Park in Allentown to enjoy an afternoon of baseball, fun and fellowship watching a Phillies Triple A Iron Pigs game.
We enjoyed an extra treat with the singing by DVCer Lew Phillips and the Valley Choral Society doing a very nice rendition of the National Anthem. Kudos to this singing group, very nicely done!! [Come see our regular concerts! – www.valchor.com – <shameless plug mode off> -{Lew}-]
The weather was cool and cloudy with a few peeks of sunshine during the afternoon. Actually, the clouds were welcomed as the day could have been a really warm and humid one in all sunshine. The deluge of rain the day before forced a doubleheader on the 28th, with each game being shortened to only 7 innings. At times, it looked as if a heavy rain was coming, but then changed to bright sunshine at times. The seats were good, the team was fun to watch, and the group had a good time. No one caught a hot dog or a T-shirt tossed into the stands, but we enjoyed the antics of Mascots FeFe and Ferrous! After the game, the group drove down to Sellersville, with no one getting lost, to enjoy a picnic at the Webbs with food and drink being shared by all. Thanks to members bringing food, there was a good variety of treats. The weather held out and we were able to sit outside on the patio and enjoy the rest of the day.
Included in the group were Patty and Pat Cawthorne, Chuck Denlinger and his friend, Glenn, Susan and Garth Gill, Cindy and Ben Nolan, Paul & Evonna Phillips, Tom and Jaimee Rippert, Diane and Jim Sanders, Dick and Sandy Suffredini, Bill and Evelyn Webb, and their son, Rob, and grandson, Soccorso!
– Bill & Evelyn Webb