Anniversary Party – 2015

IMG_1805.JPG  March 15, 2015

On Sunday, March 15, 2015 the Delaware Valley Classic MG Chapter (DVC) celebrated its 45th year at the Annual Anniversary Party at Revivals Restaurant in Perkasie, PA. The event was organized by Diane Sanders and Patty Cawthorne who selected a fine venue with good food and beverages to be enjoyed by all. Attending were Donna Bristol, Pat and Patty Cawthorne, Chuck Denlinger, Warren and Nancy Doerner, Wolfgang and Gudie Fischer, Garth and Susan Gill, Bryan Gumpert and Maryanne, Paul and Fran Holl, Adam and Eva Ilnicki, Dave Johnston, Jerry and Lee Keller, Greg and Janice Lake, Paul and Evonna Phillips, Tom and Jamie Rippert, Jim and Diane Sanders, Dick and Sandy Sufferdini, Jim and Janet Taylor, Earl Wanklin, Bill and Evelyn Webb, Barry Williams, and Pete and Nancy Yaskowksi.

The meeting allowed members to reflect over the past year’s activities and dream of warmer weather. Paul and Evonna Phillips proved the utility of the MGB GT as they were the only members to drive a marque on this brisk March day. Dick Sufferdini provided a slide show as a continuous backdrop which entertained the members and reminded all of good times. Tom Rippert, the Chapter’s chair and Dick Sufferdini, the Activities Chairman, presided over the awards ceremony.

The past year’s Owards (for “Oh No”) were presented to:

  • Paul and Fran Holl – for having disintegrating rear brakes which would lock the rear wheels as chunks of brake pad would wedge against the drum immediately stopping wheel rotation while driving.
  • Adam and Eva Ilnicki – received the ultimate “party” hard hat designed to allow drinking 2 beers at once while being protected from falling debris. This was earned as Adam and Eva hosted a DVC picnic while their home was under major renovation.
  • Chuck Denlinger – received a DVC fire extinguisher to replace the fire extinguisher which accidentally discharged while Chuck was driving his MG TD.
  • Garth and Susan Gill –received a plaque with oil additive stickers and a band aid over oil pressure gauge to commemorate the inaugural long trip in their newly acquired MGA. Garth and Susan drove through several states with the oil pressure gauge not registering greater than 20 psi.
  • Dave and Gloria Schwab – received a picture, adorned with a AAA sticker, of his car not starting, to remind him of last Year’s Anniversary Party and the difficulties experienced getting his car to fire.

The Passing of “The Book”
The annual passing of “the book” went, as always, with much anticipation. Bill and Linda Boorse, in abstention, passed “the book” to the next lucky couple, Warren and Nancy Dorner. Due to other commitments, Bill and Linda could not physically be present for the event but, in a letter read aloud, were still able to impart advice as to how best enjoy “the book.” Fortunately no children were in attendance as Bill and Linda’s advice left allusions of Fifty Shades of Grey. Those who have received “the book” can understand; those to be awarded will have to imagine.

The party ended on a high note as all realized that it is only 5 years until the SEMI-CENTENARY!!!

– Jim Sanders

Members… Click here to see all the pictures!

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