Holiday Zoom Party – 2020

December 4, 2020

It wasn’t the food, fun, and festivities that we had originally planned for a Holiday Party celebrating the conclusion of an event filled 50th anniversary year. (Nor was it an event filled year.) Still, we weren’t letting a messed up year stop us from celebrating in some fashion. So, with favorite beverages in hand and snacks at the ready, a group of DVC’ers fired up their computers and enjoyed a two and a half hour online Zoom Holiday Party. And, just like a usual DVC event, some folks got there late and some had to run early.

While the face to face was replaced with monitor to monitor, it didn’t slow down the chit chat in the least. Topics slid around more than an MG going too fast on an icy road. We chatted about COVID-19 (of course), what we hope for next year, how we were holding out, what we were up to, our families, cars (of course), shop talk, places to visit (when things calm down), and even a lively conversation about bicycles (from riding to tandem to the big black Chinese bikes). It was a great time!

Saddling up to their PCs were… Lew Phillips, Ernie & Barbara Feldgus, John Cawthorne, Dave Alderfer, Brad Haberle, Peter & Nancy Yaskowski, Bill Webb, Jeff Rose, Warren & Nancy Doerner, Brian Gumpert, and Louise Story.

As we said when all of this started, we will not be stopped in our 50th celebration! Now it is onward to 2021… and our continuation of the celebration! (Who knows… we may just keep celebrating our 50th until we hit the 100th!)

— Lew Phillips

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