The Delaware Valley Classic MG Club held its annual meeting November 11th at Sellersville Municipal Building. In attendance were Patty and Pat Cawthorne, Chuck Daniels, Gudi and Wolfgang Fischer, Graham Gill, Pat and John Hunt, Jaimee and Tom Rippert, Jeff Rose, Diane and Jim Sanders, Sandy and Dick Suffridini, Nancy and Peter Yaskowski, and Curtis Yocum. Braving the cold November weather, a few members arrived in their MGs. The Suffridinis drove their 1952 MGTD, Graham Gill in his 1950 MGTD and Curtis Yocum his 1974 MGB.
Chairperson Patty Cawthorne chaired the meeting and addressed several key issues addressed. Among those points are…
• We have a new Membership Chairperson. Chuck Daniels has stepped forward and agreed to take on this position. Membership questions should be directed to Chuck. (Also, don’t forget dues are due January 1st.)
• Diane Sanders has agreed to be the contact person for a new Hospitality/Outreach position. If you know of someone from the club who is sick, having a new baby, getting married, etc. please let Diane know.
• A discussion was held regarding our upcoming 50th Anniversary year in 2020. A planning committee is being formed to plan for various activities throughout the year.
• Patty Cawthorne informed the club that she intends to step down as the club’s Chairperson come the anniversary party next year. If anyone is interested,please contact her. We thank Patty for her years of service and are sorry to see her resign.
The meeting then turned to the important items… what fun will we plan for this year?
Jeff Rose created a draft of our 2019 event calendar. Plans for this coming year hope to include… the 49th Anniversary Party, the Tech Session, a Wildwood Weekend, a “Memorial Day” Picnic, the Hornsby Rallye, the DVC Pennypacker Car Show and P3 – Post Party, Tour of Enzo’s Garage, the Radnor Hunt Club Cars and Coffee Concourse, a Fall Pumpkin Tour, the Annual DVC Planning Meeting, the Holiday Party, and a Sellersville Theater or Movie Night. Stay tuned to the website as more details about the events unfold.
After the meeting, many of the attendees headed to Crossroads in Hilltown for a bite to eat, a beverage, and a good time shooting the breeze.
— Jim Sanders