Reporting on the P3 party, hmmmm that could be difficult. I’m pretty much in the kitchen during the party. But I saw the pictures that Dick took and it looked like people enjoyed themselves, plus everyone told me they enjoyed themselves, so I’m pretty confident it was a good party. We had an excellent turnout again this year with about 46 people in attendance. Unfortunately the weather earlier in the day was rainy, which was not good for the car show, but it cleared up nicely for the P3 party. As usual, people either hung out on the back porch or in the driveway checking out the cars (kicking tires as they say).
Tom was in charge of the garage – keeping the beer cold, and keeping the tire kickers in line. It’s a tough job keeping Bill McCurdy in line, but Tom did an excellent job. We think Bill was still “wound up” from his trip to New Guinea for the fruit bowl he brought to the party. By the way, Bill, it was delicious fruit and well worth the trip to New Guinea, we think….. Paul Phillips did an excellent job helping to finish off the beer, we had only 4 cans left.
It’s always nice to see Rich and Brenda Moers drive down to the show from New York, and this year they were in their beautiful MGA. I’m not sure who won prize mugs at the show (you’ll have to check Paul’s writeup on the car show), but I know our son, Steve, won a mug for his TriumphTR-6 and he was very happy.
The DVC’s founding father, Hank Rippert, was again in attendance at this year’s festivities. He enjoys talking with fellow DVC’ers, meatball sandwiches, soft pretzels, our kids, oh yeah, and us……
As always, DVC members provided wonderful food for the party. Thank you everyone for your contribution, and for the help putting out food, cleanup, etc.
Attending this year’s P3, in no particular order were:
Adam & Eva Ilnicki, Dick & Sandy Suffredini, Bill & Linda Boorse, Bill & Ann McCurdy, Chuck & Linda Daniels, Dave & Gloria Schwab, Pat & Patty Cawthorne, Paul & Evonna Phillips, Rich & Brenda Moers, Hank Rippert, Ernie & Barb Feldgus, Louise Story, Lew Phillips, Donna Bristol, Warren & Nancy Doerner, Bill & Evelyn Webb, Chuck Delinger, Ben & Cyndi Nolan, Lyn & Bobbi Hughes, Pete & Nancy Yaskowski, our neighbors – Cliff & MJ Webb, Ralph & Lili Walters, and our sons – Wade Albright and Jill McKeown and Steve Albright & Jen Sauermelch.
See you at Triathlon!
Jaimee & Tom