Ken and Cindy Beck, owners of K & T Vintage Sports Cars, hosted a multi-club Tech Session at their British Car Repair and Restoration Shop. A snowy, wet February morning didn’t prevent DVCers from driving up to the K & T Shop in Allentown, PA. It was nice to see guys from other LBC Clubs and to swap details about upcoming shows and events.
We spent a lot of time milling around the shop kicking tires and inspecting ongoing restoration projects. Ken took time to describe some of these projects and the services that he specializes in. Check out K & T’s web site www.K& where you’ll find a neat video on Tire Truing and Balancing.
Cindy treated us all to lunch which consisted of Pulled Pork and Sloppy Joe sandwiches, Potato and Macaroni salads and too many Cakes and Cookies. After lunch it was time for the topic of discussion, Car Insurance.
Pete Doriguzzi of Heacock Classic Car Insurance (, out of Sebring, Florida, gave a presentation on Classic and Antique Car Insurance. The Heacock owners were involved in the Sebring 12 Hour race back in its heyday and are still involved in Vintage Racing today. Pete’s passion for our hobby was evident. Discussion topics included the dangers of being under insured, coverage for vintage race cars and how Heacock determines “stated value” without the need for the typical appraisal. You might think the topic of insurance would put most of us motor heads to sleep. Not so, with the presentation lasting at least an hour and the questions and answers lasting another hour, the questions kept coming even as we left.
DVCers attending the Tech Session were Bill Boorse, Pat Cawthorne, Ken Chmilewski, Dick Comly, John Hunt, Adam Ilnicki and son Rob, Tom Rippert, Dave Schwab and Dick Suffredini.
BTW, Ken is asking for suggestions for other topics for future Tech Sessions at his shop, Any Ideas?