MG Vintage Racers Celebrating 30 years in 2011 Both East and West

The MG Vintage Racers will celebrate their 30th anniversary with two designated “Focus Events” for 2011!  One on the west coast, and one on the east coast.  A MGVR “Focus Event” is a selected vintage race event where MGVR gets a vintage race sanctioning body to include some “all MG races” in their weekend’s schedule.  Plus MGVR compliments the weekend with some of their own awards and social functions.  All MG racers are encouraged to attend these events for an enjoyable weekend of MG racing and camaraderie.  This tradition has grown over the years and now includes both east and west coast events.  Plus MGVR’s 30th anniversary will include a special celebration at the Lime Rock event, where MG and British car clubs are strongly encourage to have their members come watch and meet the MG racers.

MGVR Focus Event West for 2011 – April

This Focus Event will be at Infineon Raceway in California with CSRG (Classic Sports Racing Group – on the web at:, the weekend of April 8-10th.  This 2.53 mile racecourse is located in the heart of the California Wine Country in Sonoma, some 35 miles south of San Francisco.  Friday will be a test day, with racing on Saturday and Sunday.

MGVR Focus Event East for 2011 – September

MGVR will celebrate their 30th anniversary in Connecticut at Lime Rock Park’s 29thHistoric Festival” on Labor Day weekend (September 3-5).  This beautiful historic race track is a great place for racers and spectators alike, where Lime Rock will also celebrate its 55th year of racing.  A large turnout of MG racers is expected.  MG and British Car enthusiasts are highly encouraged to attend to meet these MG racers, see their MG race cars, and watch them in action on the track.  Friday, Saturday, and Monday will be race days for about 300 vintage race cars of all types.  No racing on Sunday as they will have a fabulous car show presented on the track.  Anyone interested in attending is encouraged to make room reservations early, as area lodging gets sold out quickly for this weekend (or you can camp at the track).  Track and lodging information can be found at Lime Rock’s web site: This event is supported by the Vintage Sports Car Club of America.  More details on this event will be released as it nears.

To find out more about MGVR – including their history since 1981 – visit their web site at:

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