Category Archives: Registries
Attention all B, C and Midgets owners!
One way to help the our club is to renew or enroll in NAMGBR, the North American MGB Registry. As long as we have at least eight club members, the registry provides insurance coverage for all club events. Other benefits … Continue reading
All Roads Lead to Reno in June!
As I write this update, MG2011 is only 3 months away! It seems as though I was still in Gatlinburg helping out with MG2006! By the time you read this issue, the event will only be a few short weeks … Continue reading
NAMGAR Chapter & Interest Group Contacts Newsletter – 02/2011
Hi all – Hope all your winter MG projects are coming along. Here’s our first newsletter for 2011. Please pass this onto your officer’s, newsletter editors, webmasters and your members. 1. DRIVE YOUR MGA DAY – This annual event is … Continue reading
NAMGAR Chapter & Interest Group Contacts Newsletter – 11/2010
NAMGAR Contacts Newsletter for November 2010 Continue reading